City Quake works with Pastors and those passionate about sharing Jesus to transform entire congregations into active-duty soldiers of Jesus Christ.
Pastor or Leader?

Simple steps on how City Quake can help your church
Ready to Grow
in the Power of
the Holy Spirit?

Don’t just attend services. Learn to walk in spiritual gifts daily.
What is City Quake?

God has changed 1000’s of lives. Yours can be next!
what we do
Join us for a “What is
City Quake” zoom call
Take the steps to bring
City Quake to your region
Host a 3 ½ day
City Quake event
Fan the flames and watch
Holy Spirit power increase
I am a leader in the body of Christ
It’s time to lead your congregation into daily power encounters “out there.”
When we look at the church in Acts and compare it to today’s church, we know that something is wrong. We are not measuring up. We have the same Holy Spirit but we experience a fraction of the results.
Over the past 16 years, we have been to cities and churches around the world and we have learned much about what is blocking an explosion of revival.
Pastors everywhere are telling us the same thing after each City Quake…“We have been to conferences for years and never seen results like this.”
“And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Acts 2:47 (NIV)

New to City Quake?
Get ready to GET ACTIVATED!
What do we mean by Get Activated? We want you to begin living out the Christian life in Holy Spirit Power EVERYWHERE!
Why are you still on this earth? Why didn’t Jesus just take us to heaven when we were saved? We are here to MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
City Quake will help you make a difference where it matters…in the lives of those who don’t know Him yet! You can GET ACTIVATED right there in your own town or by coming to a City Quake event. Either way, you will discover how to step out in Holy Spirit power and never be the same!
City Quake is not just an event. Here are more tools to help you walk in the Power of the Holy Spirit every day!
Get Activated
Get Activated with Signs & Wonders. As Christians, we are to model Jesus and make Him known everywhere we go. To Get Activated means that you are participating with Holy Spirit and growing in CONFIDENCE that God can touch anyone and everyone you encounter. This is not just those on a platform…it is for anyone who desires it! You will bring people to Jesus and then watch them grow as His disciples!
Equip your church to a Supernatural Lifestyle
As you become stronger in allowing the Holy Spirit to use you daily, other Christians will notice. They will ask you, “What happened to you?” Then, you can help to equip them in what you have learned.
Multiply the Impact
We have the opportunity and responsibility to help all Christians walk in power. The time for church as usual is over. The only way we will win millions to Christ is if every believer is fully equipped and stepping out. You can help make this happen! Join us won’t you? Multiplication will take place THROUGH YOU!

Help us reach our goal of 100 City Quakes a year by 2028/2029! But City Quake is not just about powerful equipping events. City Quake gives tools for Pastors and Evangelists to work together to see culture change! Churchgoers turn into effective SOLDIERS for JESUS!
Join us would you?
City Quake needs and appreciates one time donations as well as those that decide to partner with us on a recurring basis.