Richard & I went to the Mount Vernon square to pray for whoever the Lord leads us to, and upon arriving we met with a lady who thanked us for asking saying that we were an answer to hear prayers. She wanted to get closer to the Lord and have some peace after recovering from substance addiction. We then talked to a couple of others including praying for another lady who was also a reocering addict and for her addicted sons. Loyal and I went to the Champions network inviting numerous people on the streets to join us prior to the dinner. One fellow, Lonnie, was particularly angry about the fact that people would make you listen to the gospel message in order to get a meal. I explained that the meal is free and then there's amessage following. We wer suprised later to see him show up although he didn't stick around forthe message. We're praying ot have future encounters with this fellow Pittsburgh Steeler fan..

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