Find Your City

City Quake Facebook Groups are in

Check back soon to join an

Activation Team

in your region!


City Quake Facebook Groups are geared to:

1. Provide a place to share testimonies of what God has done not all over the world but specifically in your city/region!

2. Encourage one another to step out to believe God for supernatural power as you go about your everyday life!

3. Help sharpen one another by offering opportunities to meet up and head out on outreach.

4. “Rally the troops” and gather interest for a possible City Quake conference (much like Power and Love if you are familiar with those) plus a follow up city shaking 2 month campaign.

Contact us and let us know the city/region you would want to start a group!

LOOKING FOR A FACEBOOK GROUP IN YOUR AREA? WE CAN START ONE FOR YOU! Contact us and let us know the city/region you would want to start a group!