
Shaking More Cities for Jesus

“In Sept, 2019, about a month after the Lord gave me the download for City Quake, He then caught me off guard….again!  I had this strong sensation in my spirit, “Get ready for Multiplication!”  I was confused as we barely had the City Quake web site in place, never mind at the point to think about multiplication.  But, after this same impression hit me several times over the next few weeks, out of sheer obedience, I took a couple hours to write down what came to mind about multiplying City Quake.  I simply called it the “Multiplication Strategy.”  I won’t go into details here….only to say that I believe the Lord is gathering around me people that will play a role in this plan.  I would like to introduce you to a few of them here.”

Tom Ruotolo

Our Multiplication Team

Paulo Silva

Multiplication Team Director

JonMark Baker

Multiplication Team Director

Jackie Jess

Director of Intercession

Scott Gilbert

Multiplication Team Director